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How To Pick The Best Business Opportunity For You!

How To Pick The Best Business Opportunity For You !

by James A. Gage

Browsing the internet there are literally thousands of business opportunity resources and a person often gets overwhelmed by the sheer choice of programs, and services.

When looking for a business opportunity you should look for 7 primary qualities:

  1. Integrity : Does the company have a reliable track record/history?

  2. Value : Is the company providing a valuable service/product?

  3. Training : Do they provide you with quality one-on-one training and materials?

  4. Support : Is it easy to contact them and do they reply in a timely fashion?

  5. Compensation :Is your effort rewarded in a timely manner (Return On Investment)?

  6. Investment : Does the opportunity require tens of thousands of dollars to get started, and years for yo...

How Bad Is The Economy?

Just How Bad is the Economy?

by James A. Gage

The total consumer debt reached $2.46 Trillion as of June 2007. In 1929 only 2% of homes were mortgaged. Now it’s nearly 99% ! Every year we set a new record for the number of people who file for bankruptcy - currently it’s nearly one million people per year throwing their financial future down the drain. The average debt per American household with at least one credit card is $8,940. Foreclosures are at epidemic levels across the country, coupled with soaring food, oil and gas prices.

Now let’s talk about small to mid cap businesses...


Is The Independent Arbitration Field Poised For A Growth Explosion?

Is The Independent Arbitration Field Poised For A Growth Explosion?

by James A. Gage

With the recent bankruptcy changes signed into law by the President, how does this change the Independent Arbitration Profession? I believe this is exciting news for our profession- let me explain. Whether you are already in the profession or looking to get involved with this “Business whose Time Has Come" let me remind you why this is such a lucrative business and why it still is in it’s infancy.

The Demand for Professional Arbitration Services is Extremely High and Growing !

Professional Arbitration is a multibillion dollar industry. There are literally tens of thousands of unresolved Debt disputes...


Debt Arbitration

"A Business Whose Time Has Truly Come: Debt Arbitration! "

by James A. Gage

Imagine for a moment that there was a business that produced a wonderful income with virtually no competition, while helping people resolve business debt, IRS obligations and litigation out of court, along with knowing that you have made a business avoid filing bankruptcy, thus becoming viable again. Best of all you do not need a business or legal degree or background! What would you say?

Most people are tired of commuting to work every day and are frustrated that they are not able to earn the type of income to get the extras out of life...
